Greater Manchester Local Energy Market
Oxford Street, Manchester
Our Story
The Greater Manchester Local Energy Market is an innovative project led by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) with 11 partners from community, technology, energy suppliers and network operators.
It will create a more efficient and cost-effective energy market for residents and businesses, exploring opportunities including the production of green hydrogen and use of heat networks to reduce carbon emissions and increase network capacity.
Local Area Energy Plans provide an informed view – from the perspective of residents, businesses and network operators – of where Greater Manchester needs to: generate renewable energy; retrofit buildings; place Electric Vehicle charging hubs; and the impact this whole system approach may have on electricity network/grid operators.
The Local Energy Market is the first project in the country that will provide local area energy plans for ten Local Authority areas, supporting the energy needs of 1.2m homes and 2.7m residents. The project’s ability to provide such an informed position supports people in all walks of life to make informed decisions.
The Challenge
In order to support the development of the GM LEM programme, extensive research schemes were required due to the vast scale of the overarching aim. This included a domestic stock modelling across our 1.2 million homes and a review of over 2,000+ local authority buildings. It required close working relationships with our network operators Cadent and Electricity North West to carry out the work.